Tuesday, 10 March 2015

English For Competitive Exams - Idioms

1.      Chase your tail:  Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too little.

2.      Whole bag of tricks:  Trying all the clever means to achieve something.

3.      Deliver the goods:  Do what is expected or promised.

4.      A penny for your thoughts: A way of asking what someone is thinking

5.      Actions speak louder than words: People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say.

6.      Add insult to injury: To worsen an unfavorable situation.

7.      An arm and a leg: A large amount of money.

8.      At the drop of a hat: without any hesitation

9.      Back to the drawing board: When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.

10.  Ball is in your court: It is up to you to make the next decision or step

11.  Barking up the wrong tree: Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person

12.  Be glad to see the back of: Be happy when a person leaves.

13.  Beat around the bush: Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.

14.  Cut the ground from under feet:  When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you do something which weakens their position.

Eg. - When Brazil football team scores more than a dozen goals, they cut the ground from under the opponent's feet

15.  Best thing since sliced bread: A good invention or innovation. A good idea or plan.

16.  Fine tooth comb: Examining something carefully to not miss out any details.

17.  Explore all avenues: Trying out every possibility to get a result.

18.  Fast track something: Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the desired result.

19.  Get ducks in a row: Getting your things well organized. 

      20. Get the show on the road: Putting up a plan or idea into action.

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